Our trained staff and counselors are passionate about creating a memorable, fun and safe experience for all.

One of the more unique aspects of ECC is that most of our counseling staff is made up of young people who once attended the program as campers themselves. Because of this system, each counselor has a deep understanding of the essence of our community, and their lives have been touched and transformed by their own experience at ECC. They are well-trained and able to provide excellent care to the children and teens who attend, and are able to welcome campers into the community in a loving and inclusive way – the way they were once welcomed.

Staff positions at ECC are often filled by former campers, but we do accept applications from anyone interested. Candidates that would be considered for hire would need to have experience working with children and an understanding of the importance of Christian community.

Email Kaitlyn if you are interested in working at ECC for Summer 2025.

Assistant Counselors

Applicants for Assistant Counselor must be at least 16 years old by June 30, 2025. This position is the first step in our counselor program, regardless of age. Assistant Counselors work with fellow cabin counselors to care for every member of the cabin and to ensure their safety and well-being. This role requires the ability to think critically, problem solve, and a willingness to learn by doing.

Junior Counselors

Junior Counselors must have completed a year as an Assistant Counselor. In addition to being a cabin counselor at ECC, Junior Counselors also spend a week as a counselor at City Camp- our day camp program in Providence. This role requires the ability to think critically, problem solve, and an ability to adapt.

Full Counselors

Full Counselor must be at least 18 years of age, and have completed a year as a Junior Counselor. The Full Counselor is the point person in the cabin, handling the daily needs of their campers. This role requires proficiency in time management, an ability to adapt, and a willingness to be creative.

Young Adult Staff

What is lovingly known as ‘YAS’, this group of young adults is responsible for creating, managing, and executing many parts of the summer program. It is made up of several positions, with all members bringing a wide variety of skills, areas of responsibility, and a passion to remain committed to creating a program that upholds the mission and values of ECC. Applicants who are over the age of 18 may apply for a position on this team.

We asked our staff: What inspired you to join the ECC team?

“I've been loved and accepted by the ECC community so much, so I wanted to give that love and acceptance back.” -Emerson, Full Counselor

“I knew I wanted to be a counselor at ECC when I was 6, simply because nowhere else brings me the same joy.” -Conner, Junior Counselor